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How to Create Destructible object in unity.

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How to Create Destructible object in unity. Empty How to Create Destructible object in unity.

Post  Ryan Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:01 am

Create Destructible environment in unity 3D – Method 1

Mission : A bridge which breaks when cart bumps into it!
Step 1: Add a new gameobject Cube and scale it to create table top. Add a rigidbody to it. Keep the mass 1 (we can change it as later as required according to the type of object we want to create). Rename gmaeObject to top.
Step 2 : Now Duplicate it (Ctrl + D) and scale it to create leg 1 upper part and add fixed joint (Component -> Physics -> FJ) , Choose connected body as top.make break force as 2. Leave break torque as it is. Rename it as 1-1.
Step 3 : Now Duplicate it (Ctrl + D) and scale it to create leg 1 lower part and add fixed joint (Component -> Physics -> FJ) , Choose connected body as 1-1. Make force as 5. Rename it as 1-2.
Step 4: Repeat step 2 n 3 three times to create other 3 legs.
Step 5 : Use any normal FPS walker to check your bridge.

Replace your cubes with textured models for proper in Game asset.

Also club your model assets using Empty GameObjects(Empty GameObject does not contain a mesh and have position and rotation as 0 and scale as 1).

Now when you make anything bump into your bridge , it comes down crashing.

Method 2 :
that's though scripting!! will tell later Smile.

The sample Project Code!

Reggae Speed: Programmer
Reggae Speed: Programmer

Posts : 16
Join date : 2010-09-22

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How to Create Destructible object in unity. Empty Re: How to Create Destructible object in unity.

Post  Ryan Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:02 am

The link

Reggae Speed: Programmer
Reggae Speed: Programmer

Posts : 16
Join date : 2010-09-22

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